This issue of Praxis pairs what may at first appear to be two very disparate areas of writing center practice: secondary school and community writing centers. The differences between them are clear: secondary school writing centers serve a fixed population of young writers in an academic setting and they maintain the stability and instability that comes from academic funding; community writing centers, on the other hand, serve writers who bring a wide range of skill levels, ages, and writing projects, and they rely upon some combination of academic, grant, government, and charity funding. What they have in common may seem less evident at first, but is in fact what makes both dynamic and fruitful areas for inquiry. Because writing center scholarship has tended to emphasize writing centers located in institutions of higher education, community and secondary writing centers have not received the attention they deserve. Yet these are the very places where writing centers are growing–and innovating–fastest. In our efforts to remain on the cusp of new scholarship, Praxis is excited at the opportunity to explore these sites further.